Showcard Struts (Plastic Free)
Product description
A traditional product that is increasingly popular as a plastic free method of displaying point-of-sale and other display material. Suited for small counter top notices right up to big floor standing displays.
Showcard struts are a clever way of making a stand for any poster or display stand. The struts are simply die-cut pieces of white cardboard that can be taped or glued to a display card, poster or laminated sheet. The rudder part of the strut is then folded outwards and pushed into place and you instantly have a simple support system to make your poster or display card stand up.
You can tape or glue struts to your display cards and then send out flat out to your customer or individual stores they can assemble the struts themselves if they are already taped to the cards.
More Information
- Showcard struts stocked in sizes: 90mm, 140mm, 190mm, 240mm, 290mm, 340mm, 390mm, 490mm, 570mm,720mm
- White cardboard finish
- Individually die cut for perfect consistency in size each time
Also known as:
- Rudder struts
- Poster struts
- Card struts
- Display card struts
- Cardboard struts
- Show cards
What our customers say about this product:
A large national department store customer uses our showcard struts for all their checkout display card offers and notices. At their central UK print centre the display cards are printed, laminated and struts fixed to the back. Small packages of the display cards are then mailed out to over 200 stores around the UK for quick assembly and display. They use the white showcard struts in various sizes depending on their requirements. They say: it's great dealing with Presco, our needs are never too big and the pallets of struts always arrive on time before we need them. Would recommend to anyone.
Typically used with:
Additional information:
- 10 degrees backward incline on the struts (i.e. the vertical angle of the rudder strut is 80 degrees instead of a straight 90 degrees. This gives better stability to your display card.)
- Width of taping strip: This varies from 19mm on the smallest 90mm strut up to 41mm on the largest 570mm strut.
- Punched hanging slots at top of the strut for applications where this is needed.
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